rori'to lhavru

DC, WORLD crystal, goblin
PLAY TIME evenings & nights est
FOCUS shc raiding & ultimates, glamour, dungeons, msq
commissions, gifts, and art party drawings of my baby boy! thanks a million to every artist on here (´⌣`ʃƪ)
llwygarugysglyd @ twitter
cataulait @ twitter
_bubtea @ twitter
torredebabel @ twitter
nadssu @ twitter
owaintia @ twitter
Robodumpling @ twitter
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memelonmelon @ twitter
haurchefond @ twitter
autumnalsprout @ twitter
vavafle_cmsn @ twitter
IDSMlLE @ twitter
KurisuSparda @ twitter
PlushMayhem @ twitter
KurisuSparda @ twitter
ettinger_avoca @ twitter
Mercedes_XIV @ twitter
memekingarthur @ twitter
NAME Rori'to Lhavru (Rori)
AGE ~26
RACE moonkeeper miqo'te
NAMEDAY 10th sun of the 5th umbral moon (october 10th)
HEIGHT 5'8" (173 cm)

known facts
his eyes are gray, leading to his photosensitivity and preference for eyewear.
he was born and raised by two scholars in Old Sharlayan.
↳ his mother is proficient in astrology and would often travel outside of The Northern Empty to teach. his father stayed apart of the Studium as a lecturer, whom Rori would spend most of his time with growing of his favroite childhood activities was summoning and playing with his and his father's carbuncles.
he tends to watch, calculate, and observe conflict before jumping right in. that being said, he gets distracted and can get sidetracked easily.
he loves cookies and always has some on his person.
his iconic dye color is ink blue.
↳ rori never had anybody close to him as he was growing up, just his parents; because of this, he confides in and cherishes the scions very much. he shares a particular closeness with alphinaud and alisaie, akin to little siblings he never had. as well as urianger, with whom rori'to often goes to when needing advice and to talk about burdens and feelings with. they share a fascination with astrology so they often bounce ideas and practice with eachother.G'RAHA TIA SPOILERS AHEAD (im a hopeless romantic so get ready lol)
↳ rori'to's first and only partner. they did not get together until immediately after the events of endwalker. rori was very anxious and reserved during the NOAH expeditions and didn't converse with g'raha much at all, focused on the tasks at hand. unfortunately g'raha's inquisitions about the introverted warrior of light had to be put on hold as he soon locked himself in the crystal tower.
↳ of course they did not meet again until the events of shadowbringers. rori definitely had an inkling of who the exarch was but never spoke his name
6.0 - endwalker

5.0 - shadowbringers

1.0 - 4.0 a realm reborn - stormblood